The Regional Institute of Education Mysuru ( Formerly Regional College of Education ) founded on 1st August, 1963, is one of five such institutions established by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi. The other Institutes are located at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Shillong. The Regional Institutes were started with main the objective of qualitative improvement of school education through innovative pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes and relevant research, development and extension activities. The institute has the following departments to carry out various activities of the Institute.
1. Department of Education
2. Department of Education in Science and Mathematics
3. Department of Education in Social Sciences and Humanities
4. Department of Extension Education
The Regional Institute of Education, Mysuru has established itself as an institute of repute in the area of school and teacher education. The institute has endeavoured to shoulder the responsibilities and challenges generated by changes in the educational scenario of the country and the southern region. The Institute has been functioning as Regional Institute of Education since 1995, following a major shift in its focus from pre-service education to in-service education. The pre-service teacher education programmes of the institute are affiliated to the University of Mysuru and cater to the needs of south Indian states namely Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Union Territories of Pondicherry and Lakshadweep and all India for the post graduate programmes. A Demonstration Multipurpose School (DMS) is attached to each RIE at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Mysuru as a laboratory for trying out innovative practices in school education and teacher education. These are also used for practical training for the trainees of the institutes.
Major Academic Functions of the Institute
1. Designing and implementing innovative pre-service teacher training programmes at various levels.
2. Conducting continuing education/in-service training programmes for capacity-building of the staff of DIETs, CTEs, IASEs and SCERTs and other educational functionaries of the States/Union Territories in the region.
3. Carrying out research and development activities in various areas of concern of school education and teacher education.
4. Offering consultancy on matters related to school education as well as teacher education.
5. Providing academic support in school education and teacher education to States and Union Territories in the region.
6. Assisting in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of centrally sponsored schemes in the region.
7. Assisting the States in the development, field testing and evaluation of curriculum materials, textbooks and instructional materials.
Pre-service Teacher Education Programmes of the Institute
The institute currently conduct the following pre-service teacher education programmes:
1. Four year integrated B.A.B.Ed. course in Social Science and Humanities Education with an intake of 40 students from southern states.
2. Four year integrated B.Sc.B.Ed. courses in Science and Mathematics Education with an intake of 60 students from southern states.
3. Six year integrated M.Sc.Ed. programme with an intake 15 students each for Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry from all over the country.
4. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree programme. This programme will be of two year duration organized in the semester pattern with 2 semesters in a year.
5. One-year M.Ed. course with an intake of 50 students from southern states.
6. One-year Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling (PGDGC).
7. Ph.D. in Education, and science - the institute is a research centre of the University of Mysuru and there are currently about 50 research scholars pursuing their research leading to Ph.D. in education.
In-service and extension programmes of the Institute
1. The institute have been conducting various in-service programmes for practising teachers and teacher educators and various other educational functionaries. In-service Training Programme for Teacher Educators of IASEs, CTEs, DIETs, state level key persons and teachers are organized broadly in the areas of Teacher Education, Science Education, Mathematics Education, Language Education, Educational Technology, Education of the Disabled/Physically Challenged, Population Education, Women’s Education, Value Education, Inclusive Education, School Management, Tribal education, Environment Education, Health Education, Computer Education/ICT, Guidance and Counseling, Aesthetic Education, and Action Research.
2. The institute have been organizing programmes at the request of State Governments in southern regions and for other central Government organisation such as KVS and NVS based on the interest and specializations of the faculty members.
3. The Institute over the years have developed materials of various kinds such as resource materials, in-service training modules, handbooks, teacher manuals, question banks, audio video materials, and training packages for teacher educators and teachers in different subject areas.
4. The institute have been involved in the implementation, monitoring, coordination and evaluation of major central sector schemes and projects funded by MHRD such as PMOST, SOPT, Science Technology and Society, CLASS, SSA, and RMSA and collaboration with international agencies such as UNESCO, COL, RMSA-TCA, and SSA-TSA from time to time.
5. The institute is also involved in the periodical national surveys of educational research and national achievement surveys undertaken by NCERT.
6. The institute has organised tailor made programmes for international participants from Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan.